Have you been involved in an accident? You are likely dealing with a lot of difficulties such as physical and financial damages. Fortunately, you are likely to be the holder of no fault insurance as a part of your auto insurance plan. To further understand what this insurance is and what it does, please keep reading.

Ultra-Pain Products carries a variety of medical products that help you get off of pain medication and heal quickly. These products are regularly covered by no fault car insurance. If you would like product information, please reach out today.

Do I Need to Carry No Fault Insurance?

If you are not sure whether or not you have no fault, you can always check with your insurance carrier. Depending on where you live in the U.S. you will be required to carry some form of no-fault. In other states, it is not required.

Only 18 states in this country mandate that you carry no fault. If you do not live in one of these 18 states, that means you will turn to another form of insurance to cover your damages. You may turn to your medical insurance to cover damages.

What No Fault Insurance Covers

No fault primarily is intended to cover damages such as your medical expenses, missed pay from time away from work, and funeral costs.

Your medical expenses can be hospital stays, medication, medical devices, physical therapy, and more. Essentially, anything that you need in order to get better is going to be covered by your no fault.

What no fault does not cover would be damage to your vehicle or theft.

Get Medical Product Information

Ultra-Pain Products carry lines of medical products such as ultrasound therapy devices, braces, compression sleeves, and more. They are designed to get you off of pain medication as well as aid your body’s natural healing properties.

If you are interested in learning about our medical products, please contact us right away to request on product information. You may also give us a call to get in touch sooner. As mentioned, these products are often covered by no fault insurance. We would be glad to hear from you as soon as possible.