If you have recently been seriously injured or have undergone surgery, you are likely looking for ways to find relief. If you are looking to get your medical devices covered, you have likely heard of the term durable medical equipment. Please keep reading to learn more, and then reach out. We provide medical devices that are designed to work with the body to get you away from prescription medication.

Medically Necessary Equipment

There are many medical devices that are going to be considered medically necessary. If you are using no-fault insurance or worker’s compensation for your durable medical equipment, the medical devices that you try to get covered will have to be deemed medically necessary.

Some examples of devices and equipment that are medically necessary include things like:

  • stairlifts to make your home safer if you have limited mobility,
  • scooters or wheelchairs to give you the ability to be mobile off of your feet
  • CPAP machines to help you breathe while you sleep if you have sleep apnea

What defines a product as medically necessary is if it is going to help you during your recovery process or help you live healthily and safely. The products need to be able to survive repeated use (this tests their durability). They will need to be used by you in your residence. The device would not be useful to someone without a medical condition.

Covered by Workers Compensation

The biggest concern when people are looking at the prices of medical devices is how they are going to be able to afford them.

Someone who is unable to independently get around their home might be looking at huge quotes for wheelchairs and stairlifts to be able to live their life semi-normally. The costs are very high for these products very often.

Fortunately, if you were injured at work, you can get some coverage from your worker’s compensation insurance. It might not pay 100% of the price of your medical devices, but the insurance typically helps you be able to afford the products that you need.

Paying or Renting Equipment

You may have the option of a lowered cost for medical devices if they are very expensive. Many people are able to rent out durable medical equipment. This is especially useful for someone who is using these devices and products to recover.

If you expect that you will not need a wheelchair or scooter for the duration of your life or even a very long term, you may be interested in looking into being able to rent these products.

Buying a device outright may be a better option for you if the price is similar to or less than what renting would turn out to be.

Request Product Information Today

Our products are designed to help you get away from prescription medication and to work with the body’s natural healing process to get better quickly. If you are interested in learning about our pain relief products, please reach out to us today to request information. We would be happy to respond to a request form or take your call to talk more about our medical devices.