When you are seeking pain relief, consider a method that is going to tackle the root cause of your pain. Pain medication is great for temporary relief, but it does not do anything to address the reason why you are in pain. Did you know, in 2015-2018, almost 6% of adults in the United States used opioid prescriptions? That is an enormous amount of people.

If you want better options for your pain relief that help your body heal instead of masking your symptoms, please keep reading to learn more about some of our most popular products. These UltraPain products work with your body to heal as naturally as possible without the use of dangerous prescription drugs.


If you are looking for a product that delivers hours of pain relief, is portable, and can be placed anywhere on the body, our UltraShield product may be suitable for you. This is a low-intensity ultrasound therapy that is great for acute or chronic pain. If your chronic pain has been tricky to diagnose and you are looking at a long road to recovery, this product could be your saving grace. It could help you avoid having to rely on pain medication to get through the day. No one wants to have to always have pain medication in their body.


Do you have serious pain in your soft tissue? Does it hold you back from enjoying your life? You might be looking for a product like our UltraLux which delivers results in just under 15 minutes. It is a low-level light therapy that has clinically proven results to help treat you on a cellular level. You can have the option of wearing it on the go or traveling with it if need be. This is a method that has been researched for over 40 years. When you want to be able to feel results faster than it would take pain medication to kick in, check out this UltraPain product.


Knee pain is a drag. You may feel like you are incapable of having independence when you have a busted knee. Our bracing product, UltraRom, is a great option for you if you have been injured, had surgery, or were hindered by arthritis of the knee. The design allows you to custom fit it to your knee. It is a sturdy design that does not have to go over your foot. If you do not want to rely on pain medication for your knee pain, check this product out right away.

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If you want to learn more about our products and how you can get relief without pain medication, please get in touch with us today. You can give us a ring to get us quickly, or you can fill out a contact form to get more information on our UltraPain Products.

We want you to start feeling better right away. To get the relief you want without needing pills to mask the pain, check out our products today.