When you are hurt, it can feel like your whole life is revolved around the pain that you feel. It can be very frustrating to feel like you cannot enjoy your life. Pain free living is possible after you are hurt. We have several products that can help you find relief and healing. Please keep reading to learn more about our Ultra Pain Products and then get in touch right away for more information.

Why You Should Avoid Narcotics

Narcotics are dangerous. That is an unfortunate truth. They certainly do help you relieve pain by changing the way your brain responds to pain. However, they are also incredibly addictive. Narcotics are usually given for a short period of time for acute injuries.

If at all possible, if your doctor prescribes you a narcotic or opioid, use it sparingly. Your body can build up a tolerance to it over time. They can also impact some people very negatively and should absolutely never be used with alcohol. This is a very dangerous combination that can lead to grave consequences.

If avoiding narcotics is possible, we strongly advise seeking other means of pain relief. Please keep reading to learn about our products.

Products That Can Help You Live Pain Free

We have several products that may be helpful for you based on your injury. If you had a knee injury, you may be interested in our knee brace product. It is a comfortable fit that does not have to go over your foot to be placed. It has strong support so that you can take pressure off the joint while you heal.

A popular product of ours is our Ultra Shield which is a low-intensity ultrasound product that is designed to promote pain relief and aid your body’s natural healing process. It can be worn on the go and for over 6 hours at a time. This is a great option for soft tissue pain which can happen in a variety of ways.

We have a variety of other products that might be helpful to your recovery. We have a UV light device, more bracing products, a product for DVT, and more.

Call Us to Get More Product Information

If you want to learn more about our products, we would be happy to take your call right away to give you more information. You can also fill out a contact form to request more information. We hope that you reach out as soon as you can. We want to be able to help you start living pain free right away.