Many Americans suffer chronic pain from injuries, accidents, surgery, and health conditions. Opioids are frequently prescribed for chronic pain. While there are non-opioid treatment options, many Americans find themselves on opioids. There is a health risk associated with opioid use, and opioids are being misused by the millions.

If you want to avoid using opioids for your pain management, please keep reading to learn more. Reach out to request information about our non-opioid treatment medical devices.

How Dangerous Are Opioids?

According to the CDC, 44 people on average died of a prescription opioid overdose in 2020. That led to over 16,000 opioid-related deaths in the country, and this was a significant increase from past years.

Opioid misuse, addiction, and overdose are prevalent enough to be considered a public health emergency. Opioid misuse is a slippery slope which is why so many people are interested in non-opioid treatment options.

While many people can benefit from the short-term use of narcotics for painful injuries, surgeries, etc., this drug can be easily misused. Many people who never exhibited addictive traits before can unexpectedly find themselves addicted to opioids after a doctor prescribed them.

There have been instances of people so addicted to opioids that they cause harm to themselves by being on their prescription longer or even obtaining them illegally.

Non-Opioid Treatment Options

There are a lot of people prescribed opioids despite there being several non-opioid treatment options. We detail several alternative treatments below. UltraPain Products has an array of medical devices that can aid in your chronic pain management. Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more.

Physical Therapy
If you have chronic pain, you may benefit from physical therapy. If you choose to pursue physical therapy as a non-opioid treatment option, you will work with a physical therapist to create an exercise plan tailored to your needs. Many physical therapists offer ultrasound therapy, heat therapy, and deep tissue massage treatments.

PainShield Medical Device
UltraPain Products is the exclusive distributor in the US of the medical device PainShield. The PainShield is an ultrasound therapy device you can use at home to relieve chronic pain, and it also helps with improving circulation, providing nutrients, and aids in tissue recovery. You can wear this device for many hours daily on the go or at home, and competing devices only offer 15 minutes of pain-relieving therapy.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
Opioids are not always the best pain relief available, and sometimes over-the-counter medications are suitable for your pain level. For instance, if you have had a minor surgery, you may be able to manage the pain appropriately without the use of opioids. Ask your doctor about using acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin instead of opioids.

CBD and THC Therapy
Most states in the United States allow certain individuals to use medical cannabis for various medical purposes, including chronic pain relief. The use of CBD as a non-opioid treatment for pain is legal in all 50 states.

THC and CBD are both from the same plant but provide different benefits. THC can produce a mind-altering high due to its psychoactive components, while CBD does not cause the same high. Many cannabis products will have a certain percentage of THC to CBD to effectively treat the patient.

Consult your doctor if you are interested in learning more about medical cannabis.

Learn More About Non-Opioid Treatment
Do you want to learn more about your options for opioid-free treatment? You can request product information from us today. We are the exclusive distributor of PainShield in the US. Please fill out a contact form or give us a call for more information about our pain relief products.