Are you fed up with pain controlling your life? UltraPain Products allow you to get pain relief without using dangerous prescription drugs. They can be used for a wide variety of reasons. If you are looking for non-narcotic pain relief, please keep reading to learn more about our products. You can fill out a contact form or give us a call to get more information.

Why Should I Avoid Narcotics?

Narcotics are controlled substances. They are highly addictive. You may be given narcotics post-surgery or for extreme pain. Typically, they are given in lower quantities because they are so dangerous. The etymology of the word comes from the Greek word for “stupor” because that is essentially the feeling that narcotics can cause.

They do not address the cause of your pain; they simply change how your brain reacts to the pain. We urge you to consider non-narcotic pain relief products so that your body has a chance to heal. Our products can aid in your recovery. They won’t mask your pain as narcotics would. Keep reading to learn about some of our products.


If you are looking for non-narcotic pain relief in the form of low-intensity ultrasound therapy, our UltraShield product might be right for you. This is a localized device that transmits low-intensity ultrasound waves to help aid in the recovery of soft tissue. It can be used at home, at work, or on the go.

You might benefit from this device if you have an injury that you want to recover faster from. It can help reduce the time that you are in pain.


This is a low-level light therapy for home use. Within 15 minutes of use, you can feel the results. It can cover a large portion of your body such as your low back, neck, etc. This method of treatment has been studied for over 40 years. It has been shown to affect your tissues and cells to aid in healing.


UltraFlow is made for people who need to improve their circulation. Whether you are at risk of developing deep vein thrombosis, you are recovering from surgery, or you have inflammation from an infection/injury, UltraFlow may be suitable for your recovery.

This product provides you with compression to improve your circulation. When you have increased circulation, you can avoid numerous issues and reduce the pain that you are experiencing.

Contact Us Right Away

If you want to know more about our non-narcotic pain relief products, we would be happy to get in touch with you right away. Fill out a contact form or give us a call today!