Having sore muscles can be a real drag. However, when the soreness begins to disrupt your life, it may be an indication that something more serious is happening than a long workout the day before.

Please keep reading to learn about why our muscles get sore, what you can do to find relief, and when it is time to reach out to a doctor.

UltraPain Products would love to hear from you to talk about the devices and products we carry that can help you recover faster. Give us a call for more information.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness is perfectly normal. Most people are very familiar with this sensation but do not know that it has a special name. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the feeling of sore muscles you experience after physical activity.

DOMS can start around 8 hours after physical activity and lasts up to 48 hours. While it is normal to experience, it can be bothersome, and you are likely searching for a way to make it go away sooner. To learn more, please keep reading.

When DOMS is Experienced

You are most likely to have sore muscles after you have engaged in a new exercise or workout. This is typically something that you have not done before or have not done at this intensity before.

For instance, if you decide to add on an extra circuit at the end of your regular workout, you will likely experience DOMS. Or, if you have added weight or extra reps to your lifting routine, you may be sore the next day.

If you are being too active, even if this is something that you do all the time but don’t give yourself enough time to recoup, you can experience sore muscles. Feeling DOMS after doing an activity you are used to can be a warning sign that you are pushing your body too much.

Sometimes your muscles can be telling you that you need to see a doctor.

When to Seek Medical Care for Sore Muscles

If you are in so much pain that it interferes with your daily activities or your sore muscles do not feel better after 72 hours, this can be a sign that you need medical attention.

If you feel pain at the beginning of your workout, that is not normal. Your body is telling you that you are doing damage.

You will need immediate medical attention if you have significant swelling in your limbs, dark urine, reduced mobility, or intolerable pain levels. This can be a sign that your kidneys have been damaged.

Find Relief for Sore Muscles at Home

If you want to be able to recover quicker from your workouts, there are a few things to take care to do. Please keep reading to learn more.

Gentle stretching after physical activity can help with muscle soreness. Working in a stretching routine after your workouts can help with recovery. Stretching on your off days can keep your muscles healthy as well.

Getting a massage is great for sore muscles. A massage can be incredibly beneficial if your muscles are sore from physical activity or injury.

Fluid Intake
Hydration is essential when you are trying to quicken your recovery period after physical activity. You lose a lot of water when you work out, and you want to replenish that loss as well as flush out lactic acid from your muscles to prevent soreness.

Taking adequate breaks from exercise is vital to prevent your muscles from getting too sore. You can hurt yourself if you don’t have enough rest.

Get Product Information Today
We have products that you may be interested in if you are no stranger to sore muscles. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to provide you with product information. Give us a call or submit a contact form today.